How To: Wash Your Mini Twists

A good twist style can usually survive 1-2 washes before it is time for a redo. If you are washing more times than that during the week, your twists will not last long.

1) Braid the mini twists in sections.
This will help keep your mini twists intact and reduce frizzing. Do about 6-8 large braids/twists on your head. The braids/twists should be relatively firm but not so tight that they tug
on your scalp. Secure the ends with a hair band. These large braids/twists will produce a cute curly set once they are dry.
2) Shampoo thoroughly.
Concentrate on the scalp and massage in and around the braids.Do not rub the braids too much to avoid frizzing.
3)Deep condition.
Instead of using a creamy deep conditioner, use a liquid one. Use any liquid conditioner of your choice and water it down a bit before applying to the hair.  Cover with a plastic cap and deep condition as usual.
Rinse the conditioner from the hair thoroughly with warm water. Do not rub the braids, just let the water pressure from the shower head wash the conditioner out gently.
4) ACV Rinse (Optional)
If you want to make 100 percent sure you won't have any build up you can follow up with an apple cider vinegar rinse which of 1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts water. When run though your hair it will remove any remaining conditioner residue. This prevents any product build up which would make it difficult to remove your mini twists when the time comes.
5) Cold Water Rinse.
Rinse hair for about a minute in cold water to close the hair shaft keeping all the moisture in.
6) Leave-in and Seal.
With your hair still in the big braids/twists, use a towel or old t-shirt to blott the hair, apply a generous amount of leave in conditioner and seal with your favourite light oil or silicone based heat protection serum. You can also leave this step until after the hair is dry and out of the large braids/twists to ensure you condition every twist.
7) Dry.Keeping your hair in the Braids/Twists you washed them in will minimise shrinkage and give you a nice braid/twist out when 100 percent dry If you want them to dry straight, take them out of the braids/twists when your hair is about 90% dry. They'll be a little crinkly, but if you wrap your hair before going to sleep, the kinks will be gone in the morning.

A Word of Caution.
Although hair can be washed while in mini twists, washing should be kept to a minimum. Your hair should be able to withstand 1-2 washes before it needs to be redone. Anything more than that and your hair will begin to get frizzy and you run the risk of locking
