While this is my first attempt at mini-twists, I am no stranger to medium sized to chunky twists. There was a time when all I would do is wash, twist, wash, twist with no styling or anything and in that time I've discovered a few handy tips for keeping my twists looking good for as long as possible.
1) Twist on dry, stretched hair.
Twists done on wet hair tend to frizz faster than those done on dry, stretched hair.Stretching will help to reduce tangles and snags during the twisting session. Stretching also helps with parting to ensure that the lines are straight when twisting. It also helps to avoid the borrowing of hair from different sections which can occur when parts are not defined.
2) Twist in Sections.
Sectioning your hair will make it easier to handle. It'll also let you see how much you've managed to do and how much is left.
3) Use a twist pudding/ styling product.
Most natural hair care sites and forums recommend using a twist pudding to add hold when you twist your hair. The pudding can be either purchased or made from a mix of gel, a butter (e.g., shea), and a little oil (optional). I, because I'm just special like that, used my Jabu Stone Molding Cream and it worked just fine for me. Be sure not to use too much pudding.
4) Wrap your hair at night.
When you wrap your hair, your head acts as a giant roller and prevents shrinkage. My hair, which is 23 cm (aprox 8.5 inches) when stretched can shrink up to just half that when its in twists so this is a vital step for me when I'm trying to show my length. I am by no means a master of wrapping my hair around my head but practice will eventually make perfect... or something close to it.
5) Wear a silk/satin scarf to bed.
A scarf will lay down flyaway hairs and keep the style looking fresher longer. Be sure not to tie the scarf so tight it cust off circulation.
6) Wear a silk/satin scarf under your shower cap.
Just to make sure the water and steam don't get to your hair. Moisture will aggravate fly away hairs, so keep it covered.
7) Keep moisturizing to a minimum.
If you are spritzing daily, then your style will not last as longas it possibly can. Find a moisturizer or sealing oil/product that can allow you to go as long as possible (days, or even a week), without reapplication.
8) Keep washes to a minimum.
Washin gmay be good for your scalp, but the water and rubbing can wreak havok on twists. A good twist style can usually survive 1-2 washes before it is time for a redo. If you wash more times than that during the week, your twists will not last long. I plan to use Jabu Stome No-Rinse Shampoo to minimise on my actual washing and I'll do a product review once I have.
9) Only redo the perimeter .
Retwisting your edges (particularly after a wash) can help keep twists looking fresh, but don't over do it. Besides being very time consuming, retwisting your entire head will defeat the whole purpose of protective styling.
10) Wear smaller twists.
The smaller the twists, the longer they last. Bigger twists tend to unravel and frizz faster.
Any one else out there with more tips for awesome looking twists?

1) Twist on dry, stretched hair.
Twists done on wet hair tend to frizz faster than those done on dry, stretched hair.Stretching will help to reduce tangles and snags during the twisting session. Stretching also helps with parting to ensure that the lines are straight when twisting. It also helps to avoid the borrowing of hair from different sections which can occur when parts are not defined.
2) Twist in Sections.
Sectioning your hair will make it easier to handle. It'll also let you see how much you've managed to do and how much is left.
3) Use a twist pudding/ styling product.
Most natural hair care sites and forums recommend using a twist pudding to add hold when you twist your hair. The pudding can be either purchased or made from a mix of gel, a butter (e.g., shea), and a little oil (optional). I, because I'm just special like that, used my Jabu Stone Molding Cream and it worked just fine for me. Be sure not to use too much pudding.
4) Wrap your hair at night.
When you wrap your hair, your head acts as a giant roller and prevents shrinkage. My hair, which is 23 cm (aprox 8.5 inches) when stretched can shrink up to just half that when its in twists so this is a vital step for me when I'm trying to show my length. I am by no means a master of wrapping my hair around my head but practice will eventually make perfect... or something close to it.
5) Wear a silk/satin scarf to bed.
A scarf will lay down flyaway hairs and keep the style looking fresher longer. Be sure not to tie the scarf so tight it cust off circulation.
6) Wear a silk/satin scarf under your shower cap.
Just to make sure the water and steam don't get to your hair. Moisture will aggravate fly away hairs, so keep it covered.
7) Keep moisturizing to a minimum.
If you are spritzing daily, then your style will not last as longas it possibly can. Find a moisturizer or sealing oil/product that can allow you to go as long as possible (days, or even a week), without reapplication.
8) Keep washes to a minimum.
Washin gmay be good for your scalp, but the water and rubbing can wreak havok on twists. A good twist style can usually survive 1-2 washes before it is time for a redo. If you wash more times than that during the week, your twists will not last long. I plan to use Jabu Stome No-Rinse Shampoo to minimise on my actual washing and I'll do a product review once I have.
9) Only redo the perimeter .
Retwisting your edges (particularly after a wash) can help keep twists looking fresh, but don't over do it. Besides being very time consuming, retwisting your entire head will defeat the whole purpose of protective styling.
10) Wear smaller twists.
The smaller the twists, the longer they last. Bigger twists tend to unravel and frizz faster.
Any one else out there with more tips for awesome looking twists?
These are all horrible tips! No one should be abiding by any of them