Award winning actress Thandie Newton has gone natural. I recently saw an interview she did with Kaymontano.com and thought I'd share a bit of the info with you.
Her hair is quite long and her wavy hair is not too far off from the length we were used to seeing her relaxed tresses at. She went the transitioning route and says she took two years to grow out her relaxed ends.
"So, the ultimate personal wake up call was when I saw Chris Rock’s documentary Good Hair, and saw how the active ingredient-Lye (that’s in all black hair relaxing products)- can melt a Coke can. Also the fact that the FDA take no responsibility with harmful chemicals when
The interview covers everything from her current hair and career situation to what it was like growing up. She has this to say about the merits of being different:
"Ultimately the goal is to be free to do whatever you want with your hair. But what we ‘want’ is influenced by so many factors. When I was little I insisted my parents stopped calling me Thandie because it was so ‘different‘, my desire was influenced by a community where the way I looked was not celebrated, where my uniqueness was seen as suspect. Whatever we are repelled by, or don’t want – right there is the bud to a root we need to dig up and investigate."for the full interview with Thandie about her hair go here
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