First and foremost, let me just say, IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!
I am a strong believer that the only way to have long hair is to have healthy hair. If your hair is long it's because you take care of it. If your hair is breaking it's not healthy and before long it will be short. (That doesn't mean every one with short hair has unhealthy hair, some people like to keep their hair short.)
What got me in this mood?
Some women I talked to yesterday said they relax because their hair doesn't grow when it's natural. Seriously? There is NO way on earth you will have long hair if you wash it with the same soap you use
to wash your body and put vaseline in it!People seem to think that natural hair requires no upkeep at all.
Speaking from experience you can have long hair whether it's rlaxed or natural. I wont go into my Hair Story but my hair was shoulder length (by choice) when I decided to transition and never broke while I was transitioning. In essence I had both natural and relaxed hair and it was all healthy. All because, get this, I took care of it.
Back to those ladies, when I told them all they had to do is take care of their hair to make it grow they decided to get all ignorant on me and talk about how I was different and didn't care what other people thought or how I look. Say what? It's true that I don't give a D@&n what people think about me, and my hair, but to say I don't care about my appearance? Puh-leeze!
My rant has officially run out of stream (",). But I'd like to know what you think about the Health Vs Length debate. Holla
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