4 Easy Hair Care Tips

It's the begining of a new year, and while it's time to move on here are a few tips that shouldn't be forgotten with the new year.

1. Try protective styles. Daily styling puts stress on the hair shaft and can lead to breakage especially when heat is used. Protective styling will not only protect your hair from breakage but it will be easier to maintain when you're running out of time to get to an event or just feel too tired to put much effort in before you go to sleep. Try  knots, twists, braids or even a bun.

2. Drink lots of water. Both external and internal moisture is always important for
your hair. Dinking water might not moisturise the ends of your hair but it is essential for getting rid of toxins within your body that might impede hair growth.

3. Wrap your up hair at night. Putting on your scarf (dukie/dukhu I have no clue how to spell it) might seem like a hassle when you're coming home late after a night of fun, but in order to keep those kinks and curls looking cute, it's a must! Cotton pillow cases absorb moisture and can strip you hair of the water it needs to stay healthy and leave you with dry frizzy hair and even split ends. If you cant be bothered to get a scarf you can also try a silk or satin pillow case.

4. Moisturise!!!!! I can not say this enough times moisturise, moisturise, moisturise.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
