Hair Lengths

When I got my hair cut I talked about being just above Arm Pit Length (APL) and some one pointed out that not every one knows what that means so I went to  Hair De La Creme and picked up this Hair Length Chart. Ther are so many different ones out there. I chose this one because it's simple and easy to read.

There are a two main ways of measuring hair length/growth.

1. Straightening- this is probably the more reliable of the two ways to measure length but it also has it's down side in that there's always the chance of getting heat damage. I personally don't think that the risk is worth it. You'll find out how long your hair is just to have to cut off the damaged ends. In the end you need to
weight the pro's and con's for yourself.

2. Stretch test - this is the method I'm most likely to use simply because I limit the number of times I use heat. All you do is take a small section of hair and stretch it down wards as far as you can. don't pull it out just stretch it. I prefer to do this just after I've washed because there's less of a chance of breakage.
