So... After last weeks long post on basics of a regimen, here is a follow up on a couple things to remember on your Natural Hair Journey.
- Moisture Moisture Moisture!: No matter how far along your Natural Hair Journey you are moisture is essential. Ask yourself daily if you have enough moisture in your hair and if you are using the correct products to get the best out of it.
- Don't Give Up: Not all products will give you instant results. It takes 6-8 weeks for hair to get used to a product. Before this, it's generally difficult for you to see the maximum benefit a product can have on your hair. So unless a product is REALLY messing with your hair (excessive knotting, more breakage than usual etc) keep using it and make the decision on whether to repurchase 6-8 weeks later. This also works the other way round, some products will work wonders on your hair at first and gradually lose efficacy. In such cases it may be an issue of build up or you may need to alternate products.
- Know what you put in your hair: Just because it's in a shop and looks good doesn't mean it's good for your hair. Learn which products to avoid and which products are good for keeping your hair healthy.
- Listen to your hair: Your hair can and will tell you what it likes and needs to be healthy. Read product labels. If your hair doesn't react well to heavy butters and oils, make sure you're not buying products that have a lot of heavy butters and oils. Again, if your hair loves specific ingredients, make sure to find products that use a lot of this ingredient!
- Practice, Practice, Practice!!: If you don't like the way your twists, wash and go or any other style came out the first time, there's a good chance that you just need to work a little bit more on your technique/method. Are you using the correct amount of product for your hair? Should you twist the other direction? Such questions can only be answered over time as you experiment with your hair and product. Eventually you will develop a practiced and perfected technique that works for you, EVERY TIME, like clockwork.
- Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help: If you need help or advice on your natural hair don't be afraid to ask. There are countless hair sites and forums on line where natural haired women and men share their experiences. If you don't know or aren't sure about how to use a specific product you can contact the manufacturer and they should be able to help you.
- Do What Works For You: There are a lot of suggestions I've given on what products to use and which to avoid. But in the end it's your hair. Do what's best for you.
Have a great week end!!
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